Day 37/100

Designing Data-Intensive Applications [Book Highlights]

[ Part II ] Distributed Data

  • why we distribute a database across multiple machines
    • Scalability - data volume, read/write load grows more than what a single machine can handle
    • Fault Tolerance/ HA - we want application/db to continue operating even if a node/network/datacenter goes down.
    • Latency - Avoid wait time for user requests to travel halfway around the world for results.

Shared-Memory Architecture or Scaling Vertically or Scaling up

  • Many CPUs, many RAM chips, and many disks can be joined together under one operating system, and a fast interconnect allows any CPU to access any part of the memory or disk.
  • Problems with shared memory architecture,
    • the cost grows faster than linearly
    • a machine twice the size cannot necessarily handle twice the load
    • limited fault tolerance
    • limited to a single geographic location.

Shared-Nothing Architectures or Scaling Horizontally or Scaling Out

  • In this approach, each machine or virtual machine running the database software is called a node. Each node uses its CPUs, RAM, and disks independently.
  • Coordination between nodes is done at the software level, using a conventional network.
  • you can use whatever machines have the best price/performance ratio.
  • distribute data across multiple geographic regions, and thus reduce latency for users, also might be able to survive loss of a datacenter.

Replication vs Partitioning



  • keeping a copy of the same data on multiple machines that are connected via a network
  • Why we might do it,
    • To keep data geographically close to your users (and thus reduce latency)
    • To allow the system to continue working even if some of its parts have failed (and thus increase availability)
      • To scale out the number of machines that can serve read queries (and thus increase read throughput)
  • The main challenge of replication is handling the changes to replicated data