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Spark Streaming from Amazon SQS So this is a journal log, to describe how was I able to integrate Spark Streaming and Amazon SQS and what all problems...
Long Running Spark Streaming Jobs Fault Tolerance Spark and YARN both were not really designed for real time processing, but they have adapted to the...
Delta Lake [Part 4] Change data feed change data feed represents row-level changes between versions, This includes the row data along with metadata...
Delta Lake [Part 3] - Delta table Streaming Delta Lake is deeply integrated with Spark Structured Streaming through readStream and writeStream along...
Delta Lake [Part 2] Ingest data to Delta Lake Delta Lake provides a way to ingest existing data by using COPY INTO sql command COPY INTO is an...
Deltalake - [ Intro and Quick Start ] key features - ACID transactions schema enforcement on writes Unification of batch and streaming - A table in...